With smaller blocks and bigger houses becoming the norm, predictably… challenges will arise when it comes to privacy in the house and garden. It's an all too familiar conundrum; how do you get your privacy and simultaneously allow your neighbour to have theirs? It can be a touchy issue, but these concerns can be resolved with some clear thinking and the right approach.
You're probably asking yourself, should we raise the fence height and grow some climbers or plant something that gives us our private space? The thing to remember is, your neighbour likely enjoys their privacy just as much as you do, so having a friendly chat about it is an ideal way to solve the problem!
There are plenty of fast-growing and cost-effective plants that do the job, and of course, our favourite is clumping, non-invasive bamboo, the fastest growing plant in the world! We have a fantastic range called 'The Good Neighbour Range" that is ideal for the job. With varieties like Chinese Dwarf, Malay Dwarf Variegated, Boniopsis, Goldstripe and Gracilis, there is something that caters to all gardens and gardeners.
Bamboo simply becomes a hedge, and the best part is, it's an easy one that you don't need to prune or shape. It's quick, low maintenance, long-lived, non-invasive and most importantly, attractive to the eye from both sides of the fence. Throw some fertiliser and water on it in its early life, and when it matures, back away and leave it alone! Simply blow the spent leaves into the base as mulch, and presto, you have an easy to care for privacy screen that turns your home into your own tranquil haven.
We know bamboo isn't for everyone, so if you're not entirely convinced… don't fret; many plants can do the job. The Lilly Pilly family offers many beautiful and practical varieties. Our favourite is Lulu, with stunning semi weeping foliage that displays new red growth and a height of approximately three to four metres, you can't go wrong.
Another great option is Emerald Lustre, a Viburnum with large, shiny lime green leaves that grow as a robust shrub three metres tall and two metres wide. We love this because not only is it hardy and looks fantastic, but it also lets off a beautiful fragrance from its cream flowers in late winter/spring. Maintenance is minimal, and there's no hedging involved, merely cut off the odd straying soft-wood branch from time to time and you are done!
With all that in mind, you might have a myriad of ideas coming to mind for your garden. Not sure which option is right for you? Why not come down and experience our beautiful display gardens, where our passionate and knowledgeable team are happy to help!
