Who ever said you can't stick by your New Years Resolutions?!
We have kicked off the new year with a bang at BDU, with a new website AND new shade house renovations! And its only January!
We couldn't be more proud with the progress and improvements we are making, and our bamboo lovers are loving the changes!
Haven't seen our new beaut' (if we do say so ourselves) website?
Check it out here.
Haven't visited our new shade house? Please come in and wander around! We are open every day 9am - 5pm. We have also been planting new gardens, building new bamboo fences and adding to our foliage plant range. We are so excited we wet our plants!!!! We hope you will be too ;)
Have a sneaky peek of our shade house below... the tables are new, the pathway are wider, the bamboo is bigger.....!!!